What is Katie up to now?

Saturday, March 19, 2005


So I know I’ve mentioned all of the stray dogs in Romania. I might actually miss them. No, I WILL miss them. How could I not? Most of them are adorable, and the other ones that want to bite me, ok, I won’t miss them, but whatever. Anyway…so we’ve all named the dogs we see on a regular basis. Marya has Cujo, Marc has Oscar and Grover, and I have…drum roll please…Bill. He’s the greatest. He’s our office dog. He hangs out right out front and he’s usually somewhere in the vicinity all day. This morning when I came in he was catchin some rays. Check it out.

Maxin and relaxin

Then yesterday I saw him sprawled out one of the tenant’s welcome carpets. People were stepping over him to get into the building. Ugh, he’s adorable. I want to take him home with me. I don’t think dogs travel well though, and he might feel a little funny if the only nourishment I have for him in Amsterdam are some brownies…because of the chocolate, of course.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you bring that dog home, i will have a nice big cat waiting for you.

1:04 AM

Blogger KR said...


4:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill! What a fantastic name. You can almost feel the lethargy when you say it...


7:38 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, so cute! Colleen would love him. But then she can come and live with you...because Stretch is the last dog we'll ever have!! Love you and miss you....


2:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stretch is cuter.

8:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom's comment makes no sense.

8:01 PM

Blogger KR said...

Mom will be 50 in a couple weeks. I think we need to start accepting the fact that as she gets older, she's gonna lose a couple coconuts. Ya know what I'm sayin?

8:07 AM

Blogger KR said...

I like big dogs and I cannot lie, you other sistas can't deny, but when a poodle trots in with an itty bitty bone and a diamond collar in my face...

8:17 AM


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