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Monday, March 14, 2005

Steaua - Part 1

We look happy....

Cold. Frigid. Freezing. ARCTIC. A few words to describe our experience at the Steaua (famous Romanian soccer, aka futbol team) game last Thursday. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever been that cold or witnessed such a snowstorm in my entire life. I thought I was good to go with Marc’s hat, my gloves and scarf, and a few extra layers. I thought I had been trained for cold sporting events by attending so many PSU games. However, when it’s snowing avalanches and everything gets soaked in like two seconds, nothing helps. It took a good 24 hours to get the blood fully pumping back into my extremities. Needless to say, the game was delayed. I don’t think I could have made it if they played anyway. Talk about fans though; these peeps are TROOPERS. I love the chants too. I can’t even explain them, it’s like they all sing and yell things in this funny low pitched voice, kind of like when you used to set the record player to the lower speed. They had the same tone of voice, but the speed was a little faster. So hysterical. I had a blast just being there and freezing my tuckus off for a little over an hour. It was definitely an experience but not one I wish to relive any time soon. That being said, I’m hoping for any weather above freezing for this Wednesday’s rescheduled game. Maybe I’m being too optimistic though for Romania in mid March. I’ll keep you posted.

but really, we can't feel our toes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

KR - COLD how about the walk around Boston on the red trail with Brian! Remember how you thought that was so cold.....


3:22 AM

Blogger KR said...

ok, you're right, that may have been colder just because of the wind factor. i'm getting cold just thinking about it.

4:53 PM


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